Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to reading baby body language and lying

How to read baby body language in your family
Learning your baby’s body language
Learning your baby’s body accent is about accepting to apperceive your baby. Of advance you’ll be spending lots of time captivation your babyish as you accomplish all the applied tasks of care. But the key to compassionate is absolutely watching aggregate your babyish does.
Look at all the genitalia of your baby’s body. Look at the way her anxiety kick, easily brooch and expressions move beyond her face. Watch how your babyish moves her limbs to see which things account ache or affright her – sun in her eyes, the cat active accomplished or a loud babble from the street. You will additionally see what calms and reassures her.
Babies as adolescent as eight weeks old can acquaint the aberration amid people. They will accept altered concrete responses to altered people, depending on their accord with the baby.
Watch how your babyish responds to your advice and touch, and apprentice what comforts him. As your babyish grows and begins to smile, acknowledgment smiles as abundant as possible.
Learn to recognise your baby’s assorted states of alertness – advanced alive and alert, crying, fussy, altered beddy-bye stages. Eventually you will become accustomed with these and able to adumbrate your baby’s patterns.
You’ll additionally apprentice to accept what your babyish is adage to you. The way you acknowledge to your babyish – whether you put her to beddy-bye back she’s attractive overtired or augment her back she’s athirst – can advice achieve her into a routine. It is easier to body a accepted if you do things in the aforementioned way best days.
Alert babies are added absorbed in communicating. Allocution to your babyish agilely and rhythmically and use lots of facial expressions. After all, your babyish is account your face too. Your babyish can watch what you’re accomplishing and boring get acclimated to the abstraction that he can acquaint with you, and you with him.
Learn to acquaint back your babyish is tired. Watch for bent eyelids and apathetic blinking, annealed and hasty movements, whining and causticity (younger babies) and actuality wound-up, acerbity or moodiness, eye abrading and clinginess (older babies).
Before your babyish learns to talk, she will alpha experimenting with sounds – annihilation that can get a response! This includes sneezing, coughing, gagging and squealing. Later, beat sounds begin. These noises are attempts to appoint your attention. The way you respond, about silly, will advice your babyish apprentice to communicate.

Tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata Introducción teoría

La mayoría de los hombres con cáncer de próstata tienen tiempo para evaluar las diversas opciones de tratamiento. Usted tiene tiempo para hablar con su familia y estudiar sus opciones con su médico o enfermera. Esta guía puede ayudarle a decidir cuál de ellas le conviene más, ahora y en el futuro.

¿Qué cubre esta guía?
Esta guía puede ayudarle a colaborar con su médico para tratar el cáncer localizado de próstata. La información proviene de una revisión financiada por el gobierno acerca de la investigación de los tratamientos del cáncer localizado de próstata. Abarca la investigación referente a cuatro tratamientos comunes del cáncer de próstata y sus efectos secundarios.
Observación vigilante - vigilancia cuidadosa del cáncer a través del tiempo, mediante chequeos regulares.

Cirugía de próstata - llamada también prostatectomía radical.
Radiación - puede ser de tipo haz externo o de tipo braquiterapia (o "siembra").
Tratamiento hormonal.
¿Qué no cubre esta guía?
Esta guía no cubre cómo se puede prevenir el cáncer de próstata. Tampoco habla de otros métodos de tratamiento, como el ultrasonido, la crioterapia (congelación), la cirugía laparoscópica (llamada también "de curita" o de ojo de cerradura), ni la cirugía robótica. Son tratamientos nuevos cuya eficacia no se ha investigado aún lo suficiente, a diferencia de los otros. Esta guía tampoco habla de los productos herbarios (como el té verde) ni de las vitaminas y minerales (como el selenio). No incluye tratamientos para el cáncer de próstata que ya se diseminó fuera de la próstata, como la quimioterapia.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

why the baby should be dried. . . ?

dried baby when it was still morning, it was amazing even though its benefits are considered old-fashioned and traditional Kadan.Today many parents who think by giving the baby breast milk and formula milk is sufficient to meet nutritional needs. They do not realize that the nutritional intake of milk was unable to meet the need of vitamin D in infants.
Recent studies in the United States revealed that most babies are not getting enough vitamin D intake, despite being fed milk formula. As many as nine out of 10 breast-fed babies receive vitamin D below the recommended level clinicians.
While the study of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that 37 percent of babies mengasup high-risk infant formulas are deficient in vitamin D. "We need to educate mothers and community health services to include vitamin D supplements," said Cria Perrine, a nutritionist who is involved in the study, as reported of Health.
The study, published this week in the Journal of Pediatric indicate a health risk due to lack of vitamin D for children and adults. Vitamin D is important for bone health, immune system, and various other body processes.
Too little vitamin D in children is associated with soft bones, increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and low good cholesterol (HDL) in the future.
While deficiency of vitamin D deficiency rickets in infants lead to disruption or soft bones, respiratory infections and chronic diseases such as type 1 diabetes. The recommended amount of vitamin D should be consumed by infants and children to get to 200-400 mg per day.
In addition to vitamin D supplements for breastfeeding mothers, infants and children hanging in the sun for 10-15 minutes will increase the body's production of vitamin D in infants and children. Sunlight is known as a major source of vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight stimulates the skin to produce vitamin D.
Pregnant and lactating women were strongly encouraged to mengasup enough vitamin D every day. Adequate intake of vitamin D is beneficial for preventing bone disorders.
Based on a survey of over 500 women, approximately 3/4, or 74 percent of them did not know that pregnant women are vulnerable to lack of vitamin D. They also do not know that vitamin D helps keep bones healthy.
Nearly 2/3 or 29 percent of respondents did not realize that the main source of vitamin D obtained through sunlight. They do not know the exposure to sunlight will stimulate the skin to produce vitamin D.
"Even if you eat a healthy balanced diet before and during pregnancy, you probably will not get enough vitamin D for you and your baby," says Dr Minoo Irani, a consultant pediatrician from NHS Berkshire East.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium benefit. Lack of vitamin D can cause rickets in the fetus, a condition in which bones become fragile. As for pregnant women, can lead to osteomalacia, or bone pain disorders and muscle weakness.

In addition to sunbathing, pregnant women also need to consume vitamin D-containing foods such as margarine and milk. The best time to get the benefits of vitamin D-producing sunlight is between 06.30 to 10.00.
In the UK, all pregnant women must take vitamin D supplements on a regular basis until the breastfeeding period. Therefore, exposure to sunlight in the country was not maximal. Additional supplements are needed as a precaution against deficiency of bone disorders such as rickets in infants and children under the age of five.
To maximize the program, the Department of Health provides free supplements including vitamin D for pregnant mothers. Local governments also provide vitamin drops for children to meet the nutritional needs of the body. Particularly in Indonesia, free vitamin can be obtained through local health centers posyandu or

Baby 4 months and its development

Do not feel your baby is now 4 months old. Each day you will find something new that can be done by the baby anda.Suara ketawanya perhaps the most prominent of all the progress that he experienced. Here is another ability that normally occurs in infants aged 4 months.

Baby you can stomach. When in the prone position, the baby will lift his head and shoulders resting on his hands. This position will strengthen the muscles, bib and allowed him to see in every direction. That might make you surprised he is now able to roll over to change places. Reel to roll with the way he lay down beside her toys and give him applause when he managed to do it, so he's going to come in to do that again.

At the age of 4 months, your baby can hold an object even though sometimes it was released because the baby has not been a strong hold. When he got hold of an object, he would mempelajarinnya briefly and then put into his mouth. Introduce your baby with a wide range of objects and let him berekplorasi. Toys such as the gym with lots of toys for babies berwrna depend on it, it is suitable for babies at this age.

Your baby may also have to play alone. Sometimes you may wonder, why is there no sound of your baby in bed, and when you see it turns out he was playing with his own hands and feet.

Another development is its ability to communicate. From 4 months to 6 months, your baby is trying to voice vocal words like ma-ma or pa-pa. He also was able to repeat the words that you are calling, if you say boo msalnya, then the baby will also try to speak out as well. You can develop the ability to communicate in a way to follow or repeat the words he spoke and mimicked his expression. By seeing your reaction when he made ​​a sound, the baby will understand that the voice or the language is important and he began to study the cause and effect of a word. Babies begin to realize that what is in suarakannya could affect the people around him.

At the age of 4 months, infants also begin to appreciate the color. Your baby can actually see the colors since he was born, but he had trouble distinguishing the colors that have the same tone as the color orange and red. Between 2 to 4 months, the differences became apparent for the baby and she was able to distinguish colors.

Your baby may also have to know the presence, voice and even your facial expressions and other close person, by waving his arms and legs. Before your baby is easy terseyum to everyone he met, now he began to pick and choose who becomes his friend. Usually he was not comfortable with many of those around him or with new people he met.

Things to remember after reading the above baby's development is that every baby is unique and the baby will find the social life of its own. Developmental progress is a fraction above that normally experienced by the 4-month-old baby. If your baby has not experienced it most likely you'll see it soon.

Breastfeeding makes a healthy and smart baby

A person's intelligence is actually affected by two main factors, namely heredity (genetic or congenital) and also environmental factors. The smart parent will generally tend to be intelligent child anyway, let alone the existence of an environment that supports the development of intelligence since she was in the womb, the baby, and toddlers.
One of the basic needs of the development of intelligence is received through the nutrition of the child since she was in the womb through the mother's food intake. While after the baby is born, it takes milk that is rich in nutrients to support the process of brain growth.
However, that breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients the child, the mother should eat nutritious, balanced meals every day during pregnancy and lactation. Mothers also need to eat a diet rich in protein, such as fish, meat, eggs, tempeh, tofu, and skim milk, and eat more vegetables and fruits.
Some of the nutrients in breast milk that play a role in brain growth, namely:
Essential fatty acidsASI is a source of essential fatty acids, ie fatty acid needs to be met from outside the body. Essential fatty acids in the baby's body will be converted into DHA (dokosaheksanoat acid) and AA (arachidonic acid). Fat in the milk serves as an energy source. In addition, a small portion of fat serves as an essential micronutrient for the growth and brain development. Lipid as micronutrients contained mainly in the form of phospholipids.
During pregnancy and early life has produced approximately 6-10 thousand ties synapse between nerve cells. Basic material for the formation of this synapse is the presence of essential fatty acids in breast milk. Therefore, the child's mental development and intelligence depends on the adequacy of supply of essential fatty acids in the crucial period.

If the baby's body is getting enough DHA through breast milk of his mother, then the process of brain formation and maturation of nerve cells in the brain will go well.
ProteinThe basic components of proteins are amino acids that form the structure of brain function. Several types of specific amino acids, ie taurine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine, a compound that serves as a conductor or messenger (neurotransmitter). The protein contained in milk about 1.2 grams per 100 ml of milk.
Vitamin B ComplexSome types of vitamin B is needed for brain growth is vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and folic acid (vitamin B9). When needs are not met, then there will be disruption to the growth and function of the brain and nervous system.
CholineCholine is forming a kind of neurotransmitter, called acetylcholine. Choline also is part of lecithin, a phospholipid that is widely available in the brain as the nerve cell membrane formation.
Iodine, iron, and zincIodine is required for the formation of the hormone thyroxine, which is a type of hormone that is needed in the formation of protein to help the process of brain growth. While the iron is needed in the process of myelin formation. Iron is stored in various tissues of the brain during the first 12 months since the baby is born. Zinc is part of the approximately 300 types of enzymes that help the cell division. Zinc deficiency in the brain can cause brain dysfunction, called ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder).
But the benefits of breastfeeding also appeared to bring benefits to the mother. What benefits can be given breast milk for mothers and children? The benefits of breastfeeding for children include:

Complete nutritional needs and optimal infant development
Provide protection against a variety of statement,
Reduce the risk of allergy in infants with a family history of allergies
Milk can be drunk at any time (no waiting)
Breastfeeding increases the optimal brain development
Feeding directly from the mother's nipple will make the development of both jaws and teeth
Proximity to the mother will be more developed
The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers include:

Reduce the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage
Because mothers who breastfed are less likely to get a period in the first months, the possibility for the occurrence of postpartum anemia becomes smaller
Saves time because the mother did not have to bother cleaning and sterilization of milk bottles and milk are also preparing
It's easier on the go because they do not need to bring supplies of infant formula, bottles, flasks of water and various other equipment that troublesome
Greatly reduce the monthly cost to buy formula milk
Proximity of the child in the mother becomes more profound
Could be expected to reduce the likelihood of breast and ovarian cancer

6 Months Babies Food - Timing of solid food

Several leading health agencies such as WHO and UNICEF recently recommended that infants should be introduced solid foods when she was 6 months with the consideration that at that age the need for nutrients are met by breast milk or formula. However, there are some pediatricians that allow solid food to infants 4 months old. Differences in opinion is certainly confusing for parents.

However, many parents opt to wait until her baby aged 6 months to introduce solid foods with consideration to the age of the baby's digestive tract has been formed and strong to digest food allergies and the possibility of getting smaller.
At the age of 6 months, infants also experienced rapid development. Movement of the tongue is usually a reflection of baby back issue of food into his mouth had gone down and the baby can swallow another makanan.Hal expected by the parents, especially mothers who are breast-feeding is to start eating solid foods a baby wants to milk the wane, remember the milk more and more reduced.

You can see some sign of whether your baby is ready to eat solid food. Among them is if the baby has been able to sit without assistance because the seat would be better makann quickly digested. Another sign is if the movement of the tongue reflex that babies put out the food when the food has gone kemulutnya. You can also see the baby is ready to eat solid food if your baby is still hungry even look up milk and baby drink also seemed very interested attention to the adults around them eat.
Cereal foods are often recommended for cereal easily combined with milk so that babies are not surprised because it has been used to the taste of milk before, not to mention the soft texture of cereal baby would make it easier to swallow. Then you can give your baby fruits such as bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, carrots or apples.

There is a good idea to try a variety of foods within the separate (at least to pause for 4 days) to your baby to find his favorite food and food that does not interfere with digestion or cause allergies. Because if you give two kinds of food at intervals of one or two days haya, and suppose you were to experience indigestion or allergies, then you will find it hard to determine which foods are the cause.

Morning is the ideal time to introduce your baby to first solid food, because in the morning mood was happy and babies are usually the baby will love to try something new. Give me a spoon first. Do not panic if your baby will not swallow it. Stay calm and stay relaxed, keep in mind that introducing foods to your baby for the first time to be in a pleasant atmosphere for both parents and baby. If he does not want these days, try again tomorrow morning.

Please remember also, sometimes babies have to try different flavors even more than 10 attempts until he is willing to accept it. So if he wants to get food into her mouth but later reissued as bad according to him, then do not try the food again in the next day. If the baby still does not want after trying several times, maybe the baby is no
t ready for solid foods. Do not worry because the time will come later as well.


Journalists Jayapura. Infants who consumed infant formula turns out to be the most vulnerable to obesity at the age of five years. A study showed that weight gain in infants less time will make the infant vulnerable to illnesses, from heart disease to diabetes.
The study found that healthy infants who consume infant formula enriched with protein, vitamins, and various other nutrients will have additional body fat as much as 22 to 38 percent when aged five to eight years than those who only consume plain bottled milk.
British researchers, believed that babies consume excessive calories and their weight gain in infancy is most crucial. A previous study showed that 20 percent of adults who suffer from obesity caused by excess nutrients or have excess weight as a baby.
The mothers were warned never to give diwanti-enriched nutrition for underweight children, if they can not give milk. Now, the doctors confirmed that "fatten" the baby is only necessary for a premature birth. "This study supports the ASI program, because it can not be breast fed babies have excess food," said Professor Atul Singhal from the MRC Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, at University College London, who led the study. "And the findings will also be a concern that infant formula manufacturers to further improve their products," he continued.
The researchers studied a small number of newborns at a hospital in Cambridge, Nottingham, Leicester, and Glasgow. In conducting the research scientists as well as the mothers do not know which type of formula consumed by infants, whether standard or special formula milk containing various vitamins, protein, and minerals.
In the first study, which was followed by the 299 babies born in 1993 and 1995, milk-fortified infant formula of nutrients that are consumed during the nine months. The second study involved 246 infants born between 2003 and 2005 was stopped early because there is evidence that links between nutrient excess and obesity are found in the first study.
Britain is one country with the lowest breastfeeding rates in Europe, with an average of one in three new mothers not breast-feed her child. ASI is believed to be associated with weight more slowly, otherwise the formula will increase the body's production of fat cells so that the baby's weight will add up quickly. (Tim)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Breastfeeding (breast milk) is the best natural foods given to infants. Breastfeeding alone for 6 or so-called exclusive breastfeeding is recommended that babies grow in a healthy and have good endurance.
Its own challenges for the mother to be able to give exclusive breastfeeding. With some of the circumstances and conditions such as mother should work outside the home after 2 months of birth, mother ketidaklancaran lactation, until the less daring and less experience of the mother to be able to provide breast milk to their babies to the maximum.
Here are TIPS could she do so well she can provide milk for the baby:

Your doctor or midwife should follow the advice you to do the Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) ..
Since the newborn breast milk is the most appropriate first foods given to infants. The content of colostrum, milk first came out, very useful for system durability and infant immune from the disease. Doctor / midwife / nurse usually accompanies the IMD mother, the baby will be placed face down on the mother's chest until the baby is looking for his own mother's nipple.

Always use a shirt with button front during exclusive breastfeeding mother will greatly help the practicality and ease of breastfeeding.

Wash hands with clean running water before feeding the baby.

Mother Dairy little milk and rub on the nipple and areola area, this needs to be done because it is useful as a disinfectant and retain moisture on the nipple.

Make sure the baby's mouth stick properly.
Often the lack of proper positioning of the baby's mouth at the breast causes blisters on the nipple. This often makes trauma nursing mothers. The most appropriate position for breastfeeding or referred to latch on. This position is where the baby's mouth right in the breast with the nipple and areola into the baby's mouth. Baby's chin is the first part attached to the breast, and make sure the baby's chin pressing breast during feeding and does not stick his nose.

Set the correct breastfeeding position.
There is no best position for nursing, but most important is a comfortable and relaxed position for mother and baby. Mother's feet should not be hanged. The position of the ears and the baby's arm should be parallel. Munyusui be while sleeping or sitting.

Feed the baby at the time of the new awake.
The new baby is usually hungry when the body is still awake and relaxed, so that she can make the most comfortable feeding position for mother and baby, so baby can be hard to breastfeed.

Brief and often.
Delay the benefits of breastfeeding will make the baby feel hungry and your breasts become tight because of filled milk. Usually the need is met by feeding every 2-3 hours. for about 20 minutes.

Use both breasts during breastfeeding.
Always start with the breast side of the last feeding before. Each approximately 10 minutes. This is to avoid the right toned breasts can cause pain. Check the milk until the breast feels empty.

Appropriate to the pump.
For the mother who must work, use a pump to suck the milk and do your spare time and store the milk in a thermos with ES to maintain the freshness of the milk or place it in the refrigerator.

Plus Nigella consumption for lactation mother.
Nigella Plus with all its contents will launch production of milk and provide good nutrition for mother and baby. As experienced by the mother Ferlina Caesa Aryanti (age 28 years, living in the local government complex Jati Asih Bekasi) lucky to be able to give exclusive breastfeeding to his son Muhammad Fatih Alfawwas for two years. Another benefit obtained is free from common allergies experienced by the family.
Breastfeeding from mother to baby is a baby RIGHT. A good mother will fulfill its obligations to meet their babies the best nutrition for a healthy baby as a capital for growth and development. Sehatkan let your baby with breast milk.


Most of the causes of diseases are the advantages or malnutrition. Healthy foods in infancy tend to reduce the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Even if the offspring is a risk factor, children who learn to eat healthy from an early age tend to be better health.Low-fat foods may reduce the frequency of early cardiovascular disease events and heart attacks as adults.According to the study, the plaque that causes atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, begins to form in infancy.Low-fat diet also reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes and other diseases.Excess weight is perhaps the most important risk factor of type II diabetes. The frequency of occurrence of type II diabetes is increasing among the population in fact, children who are overweight. Low-fat foods may help children maintain appropriate weight for their age.Many experts recommend that children aged 2 years and older who consume 30% of calories from fat, and a maximum of 10% of calories come from saturated fat.
CHANGES IN DIETDiet changes are commonThroughout the toddler age, tastes and eating habits continue to change. After the first birthday, growth slows and appetite were likely to fall. The combination of these changes in cognitive ability and motor skills are developed rapidly, resulting in food intake changes.Children often prefer to play rather than eat. They demonstrate language skills and motor skills with passion, but at mealtimes easy to switch their attention. Amount of food consumed from day to day can turn into a bit of a lot. This is normal.
Develop a more ON FOODPreference for food varies from child to child, even from day to day. Children may be asked for his favorite food was served every day of the week but then declined at all in the next week. Although frustrating, this preference change is normal.Children know how much to eat. According to the study, although food intake varies from hour to hour feed meal per day but total intake remained constant. However, children are not able to choose foods that are nutritionally balanced but served to them.FOUNDATION FOR HEALTHY LIVING
Proper nutrition for your child is very important for the present and future. Nutrition at toddler age can affect the physical and intellectual development of children. Eating habits are built from now would settle for life, and it is possible to help prevent certain diseases later in life. Throughout the age of the children, parents have the unique opportunity to influence the selection of food and help build healthy eating habits.


EVERY parent would want to have a healthy child. When our children healthy, the mind and heart will be happier in a variety of activities and jobs. But the child's body is still very weak, and still prone to viruses and germs. I'll give you some tips that we all have a healthy child.
A. Delicious and Nutritious Food
When we talk about food, we will face two dilemmas. Delicious or nutritious food? There are so many out there are a variety of delicious foods. Not infrequently also eat the fruit of our hearts, if we do not give extra attention. On the other hand, there are many foods that are nutritious, but has a bad taste. This kind of food, usually do not like our baby.
As parents, we must learn to cook foods that are tasty and nutritious as well. It is very important, so we used to eat baby food we cook themselves, and are not easily attracted to buy foods that are sold in schools. To find the recipes delicious and nutritious foods that you can consult with a nutritionist, find recipes in the magazines baby, or found on sites mother and child.
2. In Routine health checks
If your baby is a baby, we can follow the immunization program is held at many levels of RT and RW. We can also check the health of our baby at a nearby hospital. Do not forget to request a vaccination for our baby, our baby to be protected from various kinds of infectious diseases.
3. Exercise activities
In addition to the school, it would be better if our baby is trained to exercise. We can do this by way of a walk around the city on every Sunday. We can also do this by cycling around the village together. Where possible, we can also buy a wide range of sports equipment. This is done so that our baby could also work out despite being in the house.
4. Rest time
We must arrange time off for our baby. It is very important, so our baby can do all the activities very well. Do not let our baby doing important activities in a state of fatigue. For example, tired of learning. Rest time is also very important to avoid trouble concentrating while studying in school. Make sure that our baby has time to do enough nap, and do not sleep too late.
5. Attention and Compassion
Attention and affection greatly affect the health of our baby. If we are too busy with our jobs, so we pay less attention to the baby, the baby we will go around alone in determining the time of rest and eat. This could lead to our baby susceptible to disease. Psychologically, the lack of attention can also lead children to become easily stressed. This situation could make our baby has a weak physical condition, and susceptible to disease.
6. Drink Plenty of Water
Water is very beneficial for our baby body fitness. At a minimum, our baby to drink water as much as 8 glasses a day. It is also beneficial for our baby avoid the attack of kidney disease in the future.
7. Inviting Play and Picnic
Play and picnic is very important for children, especially when done by all family members together. This can make children feel happy to be in the family and at home, so that our baby would not be easy to stress, and can relax away from the bustle-bustle associated with academic / school.
8. Brushing Teeth diligent
Have healthy teeth, it is very important for children. If the tooth pain and loss is easy, of course, very disturbing in the move, especially when learning. A good toothbrush at least 2 times a day, after breakfast and before bedtime.

maternal and child health information

My development 16-18 Months
At this age the children are able to run smoothly. Treasury's words even more. And at the age of the 18 months he will walk with tiptoe-tiptoe and began to learn to run. To address what he said was increasingly evident. One thing that I try to eliminate bad habits my son when he entered into a new environment and meet new people so they will be scared and crying. To the school I register him to Tumble tots so she can socialize with friends the same age and also the teacher and more cut and penetrate the nerve motoriknya. So far he is enjoying it.
At this age the child has been conditioned to be able to communicate his desire. Including when she would drink milk. Now he wants to drink milk when she was able to say "Ma ... want milk". Or when he wants to urinate he would say "like peas" or "want pup".
At the age of 17 months of his consumption of milk decreases its MORINAGA Kulonprogo to MIL that I consult with the little ones MORINAGA and finally had her milk may be substituted into MORINAGA Kulonprogo KID is available with full flavor and taste of honey. For this replacement process does this by adding my MIL Kulonprogo by CIL KID with a balanced composition first and then slowly became just Kulonprogo KID. For example milk, then I should have 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon then Kulonprogo MIL KID Kulonprogo his first spoon. Having done a few weeks to adjust to milk her gut that she will consume Kulonprogo KID KID 2 tablespoons pure Kulonprogo. Now that milk consumption is back to normal and there are rules to follow the instructions on the milk stall.
Apart from the consumption of milk, fruit juice he loves being in the interval times to eat. She is very pleased Juice Juice Strawberry and Eggplant Netherlands. Coincidentally, my mother who does not like the fruit eventually hope my daughter will love the fresh fruits and vegetables.
Apparently now he is not a baby grows so big bu ... Now every morning he would wake up to embrace and kiss me ...



This can be for children in the afternoon snack. How to make it easy and fast.

Coconut 1/4 point
Pandan leaves 1 sheet
Sand 2 tablespoons sugar
Salt 1/2 tsp
Sago Pearls Dry (100 gr)
Water for boiling sago pearls
3 jackfruit seeds (square slices)
1 banana seeds (square slices)

How to Make:
- Cook the coconut milk + pandan leaf, jackfruit, sugar and salt to a boil, stirring, stirring so that milk is not broken.
- Enter Banana
- Pick up after his sugar dissolves
- Boil the sago pearls in boiling water and cooked until translucent color
- Remove and drain, flush with cold water and set aside
- Enter the pearl sago boiled in coconut milk, stir well
- Ready to be served warm or cold.

Good luck I hope the little guy ... love ya


Tomato soup can be served as a side dish of rice + kids lunch or for breakfast or a snack in the afternoon.


3 pieces tomatoes - cut into pieces
1 small onion (small size) - cut into small dice
Leaves 1 stalk celery (cut)
Tomato paste (to taste)
Chicken broth 500 ml
Milk powder 1 tablespoon (diluted)
Grated cheese (to taste)
Chicken minced (to taste)
Salt (a little)
Pepper (a little)
Sugar (a little)

How to Make:
- Prepare the chicken stock by boiling chicken bones + 600 ml water to the boil then cool
- Saute onion, green onion, celery in butter until wilted
- Put the tomatoes and stir into the broth was then boiled onions on to boil.
- Remove, let cool and then blend.
- Once the blender is poured into a pan put the tomato paste, put the minced meat, salt, pepper and sugar.
- Pour the milk powder is melted, stirring until slightly thickened. lift
- Serve sprinkled with grated cheese

Good luck, I hope the baby liked it